Ring for saddle matrix system 1.033A (1 pc.)
Manufacturer: TOR VM
Vendor code:
Ring №1.033A has the same construction of tines as standard ring №1.033 for saddle matrices. Addition of extra loop on the ring makes it more flexible and allows to operate in wider range of openings without increase of residual distance between tines after use.
When operating with ring follow the instructions:
- make sure of the integrity of ring and absence of rust on it;
- avoid fast opening;
- open the ring to width not more than 10 - 12 mm;
- open the ring for necessary width outside the mouth before placing it on a tooth.
Cleaning and sterilization instructions::
- submerge instruments in cleaning agent solution with neutral pH for 20 min;
- rinse the instruments thoroughly with purified water for 3-5 min;
- perform standard moist heat / steam sterilization procedure following the sterilizer instructions.
- do not use cleaning agents with high percentage of chlorine and cleaners containing oxalic acid;
- do not keep instruments in liquid medium for more than 3 hours.